Friday, July 10, 2009

The Van Saga Continues

I hate Chrylser. Procrastinators drive me crazy. Put the 2 together ...

David ordered his van close to 7 weeks ago. The company in Iowa City that will make the modifications to the van stopped by the house 5 weeks ago and got a check from him for a deposit. Where is the van? Phoenix (actually right around the corner from my old apartment).

All that needed to happen was the transfer of the van from the dealer in Phoenix to a dealer in Nebraska. The dealer in Nebraska would sell it (or whatever) to the mods people in Iowa City, they would add the hand controls change out the seat and David would be all set. Right.

Since Chrysler declared bankruptcy (or whatever happened) all the dealers had to reapply for their financing which means there was no transfer of vehicles between dealers. Van has been sitting on the lot down in Phoenix.

David finally got word yesterday that the van was getting on a truck and headed to Nebraska. Now all we need is for it to get to Iowa City and for the mods to be made, which is estimated to take 3 days.

Dare I dream that he'll have a van by the end of the month and I can sleep in past 6? OK, OK, I am up at 6 AM every morning anyway (Christopher prefers breakfast at 5) but it would REALLY be nice to not have to get up and showered that early. Bonus - not only would I save money on gas but my car seems to be on autopilot through the Starbucks drive thru.

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