Friday, March 30, 2012

The Terrible 3's have hit ... and we are still 2

Look at this face:

It is the face of defiance.


The last month in our house has been absolutely horrible.  I was getting too comfortable with the 2's.  He really wasn't bad about getting into stuff, listened when you told him to do something and I got him potty trained over our Christmas break with no problems.  Then February hits:

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"You not my boss."

"I don't like that."

"Don't talk to me."

The thing is, he is perfect at daycare.  Listens to his teacher (I make GOOD choices mommy) and does what he is supposed to do.  There was an incident this week where another little girl scratched and hit him and he did nothing.  If Madeleine did that to him, she would have been tackled to the ground before she knew what hit her.

Ay.  I know we have to be consistent with him and just ride this out.  He's been sent to bed early every night for at least the last week and he just couldn't care less.  He just gives me a hug and kiss every night and tells me, "I make good choices tomorrow mommy.  I sorry."  Melt my heart.

He knows just what buttons to push.  I'm in trouble.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Funny (well, not ha ha funny, but ironic funny) that I was talking about this on Thursday with one of the moms at dance. Her daughter had just turned 3 and she says "but 2 wasn't bad at all". I laughed and said "oh wait for 3!". Nobody told me 3 would be way worse than 2!! May the force be with you! LOL (but it's not forever, that's the good news!)