Sunday, May 6, 2012

100 Day Wellness Challenge: The Final Results

May 1 marked Day 100 of the challenge.  I am 7 pounds lighter (my shoes feel looser - woo hoo!) and I logged 65 hours and 30 minutes of exercise over the course of the 100 days.

Overall my team was #18 out of 319 teams from my company's locations all over the United States.  As a team, our average exercise time per member was 48 hours, so I was happy I was above the average.  I think some of our team fizzled out after the halfway point though, since we started dropping every week in our rank since then.

An article that was published about a study in the UK stated that it takes 66 days for something to become a habit.  I'm guessing that is the case as I've appeared to have bonded with my treadmill - I woke up at 6 AM yesterday morning and first thing I did was hop on for a 1/2 hour.   Who am I?  I feel stronger and I feel like I have more energy. 

I just need to remember this feeling and I need to make sure I keep making time for ME in the midst of t-ball games, swim lessons and gymnastic classes.  After all, if momma ain't happy, nobody's happy.

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