Sunday, May 17, 2009

Miss Independent

This afternoon I was out in the garden trying best I could to plant my vegetables. Not an easy task, planting, when you can't bend over.

I hear the lock click on the sliding door, it opens and out walks Madeleine. She picks up her pail and shovel and starts heading down the hill, waving at me as she goes by. I make a mental note to determine why she is wearing different pants. Door opens again a minute or so later and out comes David, yelling to her. Apparently he didn't know I was out there.

Last I knew she was headed downstairs to play in her playroom while he was working on finishing some plugs in our little storage room. I went outside to plant my vegetables. He asked her to get him a soda, and she did, somehow managing to spill it on her pants. Not a problem in Madeleine's world. She went upstairs, got new pants, put the dirty ones in the washer machine on the 2 hours sanitary cycle (yes, by themselves, no soap). She must have decided she was done playing inside, so she went out. Apparently she knows how to unlock the sliding door in the basement. That can't be a good thing.

Yesterday I was cleaning up after supper to turn around and see her IN the refrigerator. She had pulled up a chair to get some grapes, which I had all washed in a container for her. She always wants to get things for herself, so I try and keep her snacks in easy reach. She saw the yogurt I bought on the top shelf, couldn't reach it and decided that she had to move it down so it was within her reach when she opened the refrigerator. In order to do that though she had to step up on the freezer (we have the freezer in the bottom) and climb up on one of the drawers to pull the yogurt down and move it 'so Ma'line can reach it mommy'.

Are these escapades what I have to look forward to as she turns 3?

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