Saturday, March 14, 2009

Living with the Manners Police

As any good parent would do, we are working to make sure Madeleine says 'please', 'thank you', 'excuse me' and all that good stuff. It has all started to click and I must say I am pretty proud that she now will say 'please' and 'thank you' without any coaching.

She has now moved beyond that though, and now coaches David and I. 'What do you say mommy?' and 'What do you say daddy' are heard quite often in the house, especially around supper time.

Yesterday we were going into daycare and I held the door open for a man who was carrying in his infant in a carrier. He just walked through the door without a word. Mind you I'm 6 months pregnant and was carrying my own 32 lb child.

"Mommy, that man is not nice. He didn't say thank you."

He glanced over his shoulder at me and then at Madeleine, almost as if he was expecting that I correct her or something and just kept on walking.

I think Madeleine was a pretty good judge of character on that one.

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