Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where did my *me time* go?

I used to be able to grocery shop by myself.  Yep, every week I got a whole hour of *me time* while I walked up and down the aisles of our local grocery store. 

I am afraid that my *me time* has become a thing of the past.  For the last 6 weeks or so I have found myself grocery shopping with my smallest helper.  Down the dairy aisle:

"Is that butter mommy? What are you going to do with that butter? Yogurt mommy, we need yogurt.  I like that berry.  Oh look - milk! We need milk, can we buy milk? I like milk! Do you like that milk? Daddy no like that milk. Cheese mommy, buy that cheese now!"

Doesn't help that the people around us encourage him by smiling and saying 'hi' to him.  That's just an invitation to start a conversation:

"Look I have cheese!  See my cheese?  They gave me cheese!  You want cheese?"

Even better is the argument at the register about who is going to pay:

"Move, mommy.  I need a pen.  I need card.  I pay.  I sign name.  Move mommy.  MOVE."

Too bad he really can't pay!


Carol said...

Does he ask everyone their name? Levi has to know everyone's name. "Whass YOUR name?"

Luckily, most people think it's funny, but every once in a while, someone looks kind of freaked out by the tiny interrogation machine. :)

Four Hours from Anywhere said...

He doesn't ask people their name but he checks out what they have in their cart. "You like those chips? I like chips. I like those bananas too. Mommy can we get bananas?"